Eversheds Sutherland Up to Speed Blog
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NHTSA Opens GM and Nuro Autonomous Vehicle Petition to Public Comment

On March 15, 2019, the US Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced that automated vehicle petitions from Nuro and General Motors (GM) are advancing to the Federal Register for public review and comment. “The Department is actively seeking public comment on proposed exemptions to federal standards and how the public can be...

GOP House Representatives Urge Energy and Commerce Committee to Take Up Self-Driving Legislation

In a letter dated March 13, 2019, representatives Greg Walden (R-OR 2nd District), Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA 5th District) and Bob Latta (R-OH 5th District) wrote a letter urging the Energy and Commerce Committee to make self-driving legislation a priority. They highlighted the bill’s potential to save lives, enhance mobility and provide international competitiveness for companies...

What Autonomous Vehicles Could Mean for the Future of Washington, DC

The one thing that’s certain about the autonomous future heralded by executives in Detroit and Silicon Valley is a future that’s either years or decades away, depending on which experts you consult: It will entail more driving. By the year 2040, the nation’s capital could be a bustling network of autonomous vehicles, with better access to jobs on its eastern and western extremities....

Pittsburgh and Autonomous Vehicle Companies Agree to Testing Guidelines

An executive order signed by Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto on Monday outlines objectives and expectations for the safe testing of autonomous vehicles in the city. Companies Aptiv, Argo AI, Aurora Innovation and Uber were all present for the announcement. City officials said Pittsburgh, an autonomous vehicle research hub, is the first municipality to draw up testing guidelines that are...

Tesla Promises Full Self-Driving Model 3

Tesla is now taking orders for a Model 3, which includes a full self-driving capability. On March 1, 2019, Tesla announced that “all customers who bought a Tesla before yesterday’s price decrease will be able to buy the Autopilot or Full Self-Driving capability for half of what those features would normally cost after initial purchase.” Experts, on the other hand, say the “full...

Pedestrian deaths increase in 2018

2/28/2019 A new report, commissioned by the Governors Highway Safety Association, estimates that over 6,000 pedestrians were killed in car accidents in 2018. This is the highest level of pedestrian deaths in the United States since 1990; the number of deaths hit a low in 2009 but has since risen steadily. In many cases, alcohol use is a factor in accidents involving pedestrians. The...

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